Worker Background Check
We verify your domestic help, factory workers, restaurant staff, or anyone through our online service. Our Verification Services Checks include CNIC Verification, Police Record Check, Residential Address Check, Character Lineage Check, Nazim/Union Councillor Attestation, and Two References. This service is secure and proof of identity is required to proceed with it.
Standard Verification (Rs: 5,000)
- Police Criminal Record Check
- NADRA CNIC Verification
- Residential Address Check
- Character Lineage Check
- Nazim/Union Councillor Attestation
Extended Verification (Extra Rs: 1,000)
- Two Physical Neighbour Reference Check
* This service requires proof of identity and awareness of the worker. Workers must currently reside in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad or Rawalpindi.
References Check
This service validates the profile of a worker by physically obtaining information on him/her from the references you provide us. You can provide up to two references but they must not be blood relatives of the worker. Once you have provided the details of the references and have made the payment, the verification process can take 06 to 10 working days to complete.
Your Detail
You must need to create an account in order to proceed with this verification process. If you already have an account please login and proceed further.
Your Detail
You must need to create an account in order to proceed with this verification process. If you already have an account please login and proceed further.
OTP Verification
To prevent unauthorized use of your Rozgar account, a One Time Password (OTP) will be sent to your provided mobile number every time you log in to the service.
Complete Your Payment
Our standard service costs Rs 5000 and includes Police Criminal Record Check, NADRA CNIC Verification, Residential Address Check, Character Lineage Check, Nazim/Union Councillor Attestation, Two Physical Reference Checks.
For an additional Rs 1000 we can also conduct physical checks with up to two provided worker references. If you would like this additional service, please select the checkbox next to Additional Reference Check.
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